Our Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) programme inspires, extends and enriches the opportunities in active, creative and academic fields. Our ECAs are available to students in Y1 through to Y13 and offer a range of activities from enjoyment to competition level.
These clubs are facilitated by school staff and are included in the school fees.
Our Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) programme inspires, extends and enriches the opportunities in active, creative and academic fields. Our ECAs are available to students in Y1 through to Y13 and offer a range of activities from enjoyment to competition level.
These clubs are facilitated by school staff and are included in the school fees.

Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.
Our After School Activities (ASAs) are clubs run by high-quality external providers, who utilise our facilities at DBSJP.
These clubs run from Monday to Friday and are in addition to school fees.