
A World Class School Offering the British Curriculum

Welcome Message

“Every day, in every classroom, all students, including those identified as experiencing special educational needs and disabilities, will learn and achieve in a safe, supportive, engaging and appropriately challenging common learning environment. Within such a setting, their personal, social, emotional and academic needs are fully met.” (KHDA, Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework (2017, p9).
At DBSJP we celebrate this philosophy and are proud of our personalised approach to teaching, learning and well being. Students thrive at DBSJP because all of our teachers are committed to the success and happiness of each young person. Working with parents, external professionals, teachers and all support staff, we create a team around the child approach to special educational needs and disabilities, so that we can maximise progress, celebrate success and ensure each young person is proud of their uniqueness.
Whole School  Colette Woolnough Director of Inclusion

Providing for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Students of Determination), English as an Additional Language, Gifts & Talents

We are committed to providing every possible opportunity for all children and young people to achieve the best educational outcomes, through providing a broad and balanced curriculum and a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities. All students at DBSJP, and particularly our Students of Determination, are offered an education that enables them to become confident young people with a growing ability to communicate their own views, ready to make a successful transition into the next phase of their life.

To ensure this happens successfully we work tirelessly to remove barriers through applying a ‘graduated response’ model, to ensure students with Special Educational Needs and Disability, English as an Additional Language access the same excellent experience of school and learning as their peers. For students with Gifts and Talents we have an extensive programme of enrichment and curriculum enhancement to accelerate progress, particularly in their field of expertise.

The admissions process is fully differentiated to meet the needs of both Students of Determination and their parents. Most students take an age-appropriate entrance assessment to assist with their placement and planning, and we also work with parents to gather the relevant information with sensitivity to the needs of the young person, and, where necessary, conduct a bespoke one-to-one assessment to support our evaluation and ensure, once admitted, the needs of the child can be met.

We organise tours, transition sessions, visits to students in their current setting (if appropriate), and introduce parents to key staff. We also have several screening tools which help us to pre-plan for arrival and allow us to discuss needs in a meaningful way. We ask that parents share professional reports to make our plans more comprehensive and ensure that we fully meet the need within the year group. Sibling priority will be given to Students of Determination who are siblings of current or joining students.

Information gained from assessment upon entry and identification procedures is used to determine the type and level of support appropriate for each student, based upon their level of development and need, and then develop personalised plans for all students of determination and ensure they are shared with all adults working with the child.

Students of determination are actively supported to participate in the process of learning as they develop their potential, and build relationships with their peers, through social interactions in age-appropriate common learning environments.

Our inclusive curriculum ensures breadth and depth of coverage and maintains a wide range of subject exposure across all phases. Alternative pathways are offered for our learners with more complex needs through specialised provision in Key Stages 2-3, which is complemented with ASDAN modules and a range of GCSE options and Level 1 and 2 BTEC courses.

DBSJP has a team of highly trained and committed school counsellors who proactively support the social, emotional and mental health needs of our students.

Our counsellors offer a safe supportive and confidential environment to talk about difficult issues in confidence and will listen to views, experiences and feelings without judgment and in an atmosphere of respect and empathy based on a secure and trusting working relationship.

We value partnership with parents and the community and consider it a key tool in improving student outcomes and each student of determination has a named member of the Inclusion Team as their point of contact, in addition to their homeroom teacher or form tutor. Inclusion Coffee Mornings, dedicated to parents of Students of Determination, provide support, guidance, and a platform for sharing experiences. We also recognise the importance of language support and offer workshops specifically designed for parents of students with English as an Additional Language (EAL). These workshops equip parents with strategies and resources to facilitate effective communication and academic success for EAL students, empowering them to play an active role in their child’s language development.

Our Inclusion Team is highly-qualified and highly-skilled, offering advice and expertise to support our families. Where needed, we connect parents with a comprehensive external network of support to offer more specialist insights and guidance. We are dedicated to ensuring that each student can reach their full potential and can participate fully in all aspects of school life and the wider world.

Our Inclusion Policies

Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework
إطار سياسة التعليم الدامج في دبي
Directives and Guidelines for Inclusive Education
توجيهات التعليم الدامج والتزامات المدارس الخاصة
إرشادات تطبيق سياسة التعليم الدامج للمدارس الخاصة في دبي
Advocating for Inclusive Education
دليل أولياء الأمور في التعليم الدامج

Inclusion Policy for Students of Determination

Once the steps above are complete, you will need to sign the KHDA Parent School Contract.